How To Track And Manage Business Expenses And Reduce Cost

How To Track And Manage Business Expenses And Reduce Cost

Manage business expenses

As an entrepreneur, your ability to manage business expenses will certainly go a long way to ensure the longevity and success of your business. It is ironic how most business owners pay attention to business expenses at the early stage of the company but fall behind as the business grows.

It will interest you to know that it is estimated that most companies spend about 30% of their expenditure on things that don’t have any impact on their customers. In good business, there is no such thing as a quick save. However, knee-jerk cost-cutting may make the figures appear better in the short term. Such an approach can have a negative medium and long-term impact on your business.

Your ability to know the state of your financial affairs in business is one of the best ways to ensure the cash keeps flowing. To correctly manage business expenses means you can avoid unforeseen business debt and have enough money to invest and expand your business.

Here are eight vital tips to help you manage business expenses and reduce business costs. You sit back and enjoy as it promises to be informative as much as educating.

Tips To On How To Manage Business Expenses And Reduce Cost

1. Monitor the day-to-day money management processes 

If you want to learn how to control expenses in a company or business, you must first learn how to record business expenses on a daily basis. You can’t learn how to control expenditure in an organization when you don’t know the daily costs carried out. The bottom line is that you must properly manage your accounting if you want to manage your business expenses.

Also read: How to raise funds for your business

You must keep track of your income and costs. You need to review your costs, including small business expenses, continually. Although they can add up quickly but reviewing them allows you to fine-tune where your money goes. Make precise financial projections as clear financial projection are essential.

To avoid slacking on invoicing, you can do the following:

  • Forward your invoice as soon as possible after delivering your goods or services
  • Set payment terms of one week to ensure that payments are not forgotten or lost in the process.
  • Make the follow up on sent invoices easy by creating set templates for email or SMS follow-ups
  • Always reference invoice numbers and cross-reference them with payments.

    2. Create separate accounts for business, pleasure, and private activities

It is crucial that you maintain a different business bank account if you want to manage business expenses. Mixing your finances with that of the business is a recipe for unexplained losses and tax-headaches. When you have a separate account for your business, it makes it easier to gauge profit and keep track of expenses.

If you mumble al the account together, it will be challenging to reduce operating expenses in the business. Ensure you keep track of personal loans to your business as well. You need to keep an accurate record of what you loan to your business. Once your business starts generating profits, you can quickly pay back the director’s loan first.

You shouldn’t forget to pay yourself first, but it doesn’t mean you should take all the profits the moment they start coming. I recommend you start with just 10% of the earnings. It is an excellent way to set aside some money consistently, and it allows you to test the profitability of your business. Also, it is essential you don’t get carried away with the benefits of business ownership.

You should set your salary as low as possible and allow only the government-mandated benefits. Note that the things you save now will give you more flexibility in future lean months. Avoid overspending on luxurious travel and accommodation.

  1. Benchmark yourself against similar companies or businesses 

As part of your methods to reduce operating expenses in business, you need to benchmark yourself against related companies. Know your average industry expenditure in different areas, so you understand how your price compares. Periodically compare and review what you are doing.

  1. Develop fiscal discipline as a core value for your company

Every symbolic choice that you make or allow as a business owner will find its way into the culture of your company. It feels good to travel first class and buy fancy cars on the company’s account, but remember that your team is watching by the side and will undoubtedly follow in your footsteps.

As an entrepreneur who wants to manage business expenses to reduce costs, you need to be very careful with the choices you make.

  1. Consistently review your vendors

Another right way to control the costs in a company is to create an annual or semi-annual review of all your key vendors, a standard practice in your company. Ensure you flag all renewing contracts to come up for review as well as rebidding within sixty to ninety days before their renewal.

You can also cross out the boilerplate language from your vendor’s contract that needs an automatic renewal. However, you can write in that you have the option to review but not the obligation.

  1. Engage your customers

Create time to talk to your customers and inquire from them if you are providing what they do not need. You will be surprised to learn that the expensive packaging model is not really needed. Your customers stand in a better position to tell you which part of your services is important to them. So, you must never take them for granted.

Also read: How to identify your target market 


When it comes to the issue of how to control expenditure in an organization, there are lots of things to put into consideration. Your ability to reduce operating expenses in business lies greatly in your understanding of the points listed in this article.

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