Interesting Facts People Don’t Tell You About Being An Entrepreneur

Interesting Facts People Don’t Tell You About Being An Entrepreneur

I bet, most times, rich people, entrepreneurs to be precise, don’t tell you what it takes to get to that level. I know it, you know it and even Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki knew when they wrote why we want you to be rich. It is about being blunt and learning facts people don’t tell you about being an entrepreneur.

You need to know so you don’t build castles in the air. While it is true that whatever can be imagined can be done, it is also very true that it takes a lot to that.

People make the mistake of thinking that it is all rosy but remember that even roses have thorns. Many entrepreneurs today present their story as easy especially when they want you to buy their crap products. In rare occasions, they come out to tell you the dark side of entrepreneurship.

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But that should be part of the process. Knowing the bright side and the dark truths about entrepreneurship prepare you better for success and give the guidance to navigate challenges.

When we refer to the dark side of entrepreneurship, we are not talking about something very terrible. The dark side of entrepreneurship refers to the stress that entrepreneurs experience in the course of starting and running a business.

Being an entrepreneur is hard sometimes and that is why you need to understand these facts people don’t tell you about being an entrepreneur.

We shall discuss some of them. the list is not exclusive as there are so many other things you should know given the dynamic nature of entrepreneurship in particular and our time in general. However, the list just about covers the major things.

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Discourses On Facts People Don’t Tell You About Being An Entrepreneur

facts people don't tell you about being an entrepreneur

  1. Returns on investment (ROI) is not always immediate

When they tell you that start a business or give you a program that will help you start a business, they make the mistake of telling you that you will see returns on your investment almost immediately. That is not true.

While it is possible to do that in some cases, it is not the norm. it takes some time of serious work to begin to see reasonable returns. It could be in months if you are lucky, but it could go into a couple of years or more.

Until you can prove to your customer base that your solution, which is your business model, solves real problems, you don’t get to make many sales. These things take time. So bear that in mind.

  1. You don’t succeed alone

Entrepreneurship is not a one-man business. If you think you can do it alone, then you have another thing coming. Remember, the quest for entrepreneurial success will require an accountant, designer, human resource manager, marketer, financial accountant, and many others. Bro, you cannot be all of these and survive a month without a mental breakdown.

This is why you will need a team and staff to see off these activities. Just remember that you cannot do it all alone.

  1. Your expected time of manifestation is usually different from the actual time

Entrepreneurs set targets to reach a particular level and they think it will just come to them as expected. Sorry to disappoint you, it doesn’t work that way. The best way to think as an entrepreneur is that your target may take longer than necessary to achieve.

Everything you do as an entrepreneur will always end up with convincing customers to trust your product. It is that simple. So, always plan for those kinds of exigencies.

  1. You need to become a smart worker

Working hard is different from working smart. You need to ensure that your hard work is also smart work. This is one of those facts people don’t tell you about being an entrepreneur. They tell you that you have to work hard; I tell you that you need to work smart. You have to know the things that are more important to your success, the things you should handle and the things you must delegate.

  1. The monthly or weekly paycheck will be missed

Maybe you know, maybe you don’t. For those that have actually done some work, it is quite easy to take some orders, deliver certain functions and get the paycheck every week or month. An entrepreneur, especially at the startup stage, will miss the money. He has to make the money himself which is way more difficult.

Don’t worry; it does get better with time. But it may very difficult to start with.

  1. You won’t be sure always

If you think you are going to have it all figured at various points in time, you are just kidding yourself. One of the facts people don’t tell you about being an entrepreneur is that you are going to doubt yourself a lot. There will be times when you will think that it is not worth it and times you will be as elated as hell. You need to prepare yourself for moments like that.

  1. Things might get very challenging for you

Things won’t always turn out the way you planned it. It is going to be much more than that. There will be days when it gets frustrating because everything seems to be going to the left. Challenges will pop up at intervals and you will have loads of doubts.

The people around you might even think that you are far from being alright and doubt your ability to pull off the deal, but you should not worry. Your team members, your employees, and even your customers can frustrate your efforts but if you stand strong, you will win.

  1. Master the art of time management

Time is of the essence so must manage its management. If you don’t manage your time, you won’t be able to make real progress. As a business owner, you need to know when to address certain things and become great at managing the people around you. You need to be able to deliver services and products on time.


What we have discussed here are great tips that can bring about great change of perception in the life of the entrepreneur. We hope you can become better prepared in your entrepreneurial quests. Just know that there are certain facts people don’t tell you about being an entrepreneur.

If there are more thing you would want to add for the benefit of our readers, we did appreciate.

