How To Make Millions From Bamboo Farming In Nigeria

How To Make Millions From Bamboo Farming In Nigeria

Bamboo farming

Bamboo farming in Nigeria is a great business opportunity that has the potential to give you millions of Naira in just one year. It will interest you to know that bamboo has lots of economic benefits and it will really be a wonderful investment for you. The good thing about bamboo farming is that the climatic condition of Nigeria supports the business.

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You may be coming across bamboo trees every day but you don’t know the profit potential in this business. If you are interested in investing in the agricultural sector, bamboo farming would be a good agribusiness investment. The focus and objective of this article is to provide you with the needed guidance to succeed in bamboo farming.

In this article, you will get to know about bamboo development network in Nigeria and the cost of bamboo in Nigeria. Nigeria joined the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan in 2004. Currently, there are two major species of bamboo found in Nigeria; they include Bambusa vulgaris and Oxystenanthera abyssynica. The bamboo farming business is a booming agribusiness around the world but it is yet to be fully explored in Nigeria.

You shouldn’t let this great opportunity in bamboo farming business pass you by in a time like this in Nigeria. The opportunity is just too good for you to ignore.

Why You Should Invest In Bamboo Farming Business In Nigeria

According to the data provided by the UN COMTRADE Database, bamboo products exported by Nigeria exceeded $11 million. This tells you that the profitability in bamboo farming business is very high. In fact, according to an article in the Guardian newspaper on 3rd February 2016, you can make up to N25 million processing bamboo.

There are lots of products that can be generated from bamboo. Due to the strength and resilience of the bamboo, it can be used as a building material for houses and the construction industry. You can also use bamboo for the making of furniture and decorations as well. The fiber from bamboo sticks is used for the production of very high-quality papers.

All the above-listed uses of bamboo further explain the high profits in the bamboo farming business in Nigeria. Bamboo farming business has a very large market both within and outside the shores of Nigeria. So, don’t worry about if there will be a market for your bamboo farming produce.

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Requirements For Starting Your Bamboo Farming Business In Nigeria

There are important requirements that you really need to consider before venturing into bamboo farming business in Nigeria. These important requirements include the following:

  1. Have a good business plan

Your bamboo farming business plan is very vital to the success of your business. You can’t just venture into any business with having a good plan in place. Your business plan will serve as a guide for you in the course of your bamboo farming business in Nigeria. The business plan will also improve your chances of acquiring a loan from the government or private institutions.

There is no right-thinking investor that will consider investing in your bamboo farming business if you don’t have a business plan. This tells you that a business plan is an indispensable factor in any business, whether in Nigeria or beyond.

  1. Get the farmland to grow your bamboo

Once you have your business plan and have acquired your startup capital, the next step is to get farmland. You can either rent the land or purchase it depending on your financial capacity for the bamboo farming business. It is advisable that your farmland should be located close to a body of water like stream or river. You can also go for a swampy location that supports the growth of bamboos.

  1. Land preparation and cultivation of bamboos

Research has shown that bamboo trees perform very well in slightly acidic soil. So, you will have to make sure that the farmland you have selected matches this criterion. You can add lime to the soil in order to make the pH suitable for bamboo growth.

  1. Source for good bamboo seedlings

This is very important for you as a potential bamboo farmer in Nigeria. There is a need for you to get good and viable bamboo seedlings for your bamboo farming business in Nigeria. In Nigeria, you can visit the Federal Department of Forestry, under the ministry of environment.

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The good thing about getting your bamboo seedlings from a government agency is that it comes with a discount rate.

  1. Have a good maintenance strategy in place

Immediately you are done with planting your bamboo seedlings either by using node cutting method or by transplanting; take care of your farm. Water your bamboo farming plantation at the appropriate time and weed them in due time as well. Although bamboos can survive on their own without proper care, you need to take care of them if you want healthy bamboo during harvest.

  1. Source for good market

Before harvesting your bamboo from the farm, it is very important that you identify good markets to sell your product. For the fact that bamboos are used in the manufacturing of different products, it is easy for you to find a market. If you want to join in the export business, you have got to sort out the logistics before harvesting your bamboo.

There is no doubt about the profitability of the bamboo farming business in Nigeria; the opportunity is yours to explore.

Also read: How to start pepper farming business in Nigeria


Contact Entrepreneur Nigeria on +2347037281050 for your well-detailed business plan on bamboo farming or any business niche in Nigeria. Make that call today and see your business improve to a higher level.

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