How To Make Millions From Garlic Farming And Exporting Business

How To Make Millions From Garlic Farming And Exporting Business

Garlic farming

Garlic farming and exporting business is another goldmine you are letting slip right through your fingers in Nigeria. This very profitable vegetable of the Allium family is widely seen as good health enhancing supplements for humans. It will interest you to know that garlic has antioxidant properties which helps maintain good blood circulation. Garlic also helps in maintaining the good functioning of the heart and the immune systems.

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You need to read the article on the Daily Trust Newspaper of 10th February 2018 concerning the profitability of garlic farming. The article was titled “Garlic now goldmine for Sokoto farmers”. You ask yourself whether only Sokoto farmers that are entitled to the benefits of this goldmine. What is holding you from venturing into garlic farming business in Nigeria?   The objective of this article is to provide you with adequate information regarding garlic farming business in Nigeria.

In this article, you will get to know most of the things about the following:

  • Garlic yield per hectare
  • The economic importance of garlic
  • Garlic production in Nigeria
  • Where does garlic grow?
  • How much is a bag of garlic in Nigeria

Just keep reading as you are going to be amazed at the profit potential of garlic farming in Nigeria.

Guidelines On How To Start Your Garlic Farming Business

For you to be successful in any business venture, the guidelines must be followed to the later. Same is applicable to garlic farming business; you need to abide by these guidelines in order to be successful. There is no doubt that you need to do some work in garlic farming, but the profitability is good too. These important and indispensable garlic farming guidelines include:

  1. Get your garlic farming business plan ready

Once you have made up your mind to venture into garlic farming business, next is to get your business plan. Your garlic farming business plan gives you the needed direction in the course of your business. You should never underestimate the importance of this business plan to the success of your garlic farming business in Nigeria.

Your garlic farming business plan can be the only thing standing between you and government loans on agriculture. In order for you to even attract investors to your farming business; you have to present a good business plan.

  1. Site selection for your garlic farming business

There are basic soil requirements needed for optimal growth and development of garlic. Your garlic farming business should be carried out in sandy loam soil. This is because you will get the best garlic yield per hectare on this type of soil. You should avoid stony and clay soils as they are known to hinder garlic growth and development. Your selected farmland should be well drained as it is best suited for garlic farming business in Nigeria.

  1. Land preparation

Once you have carefully selected your farmland for the garlic farming, the next step is to clear the site. After clearing the site of bushes and tree stumps, it is recommended that you apply compost or organic manure. This will help improve the fertility of the soil before you can plant your garlic. You can now make ridges on the farm for planting your garlic and easy irrigation.

See: How to start and succeed in ginger farming in Nigeria

4. Garlic planting processes

For the planting, you make use of the garlic cloves that is taken from the garlic bulbs.  You will need to plant the cloves as seeds. It very important that you know that the size of the cloves matters a lot. The larger the cloves, the bigger the garlic bulb yield. Make sure that the garlic bulbs from which you took the cloves are big and soft as well. You should try as much as possible to avoid the soft cloves while planting.

When you are separating the cloves from the garlic bulbs, be careful not to damage the base of the cloves. You really need to note this point because it can adversely affect your garlic farming business in Nigeria. After removing the cloves, you should soak them in clean water for a minimum of 6 hours. Then you remove the outer skin of the cloves and mix in fungicides or insecticides and allowed to drain.

While planting, you should make sure that each of the cloves points downwards. You should plant in a depth between 3-6cm into the soil. For you to get the best garlic yield per hectare, the spacing between cloves should be about 20cm. You insulate the planted cloves from direct sunlight or rainfall through the use of mulching. If you want to start your garlic farming in the Northern part of Nigeria, you can plant around September. Should be starting your garlic farming business in the South, then planting should be late December

4. Diseases and pests that affect garlic farming business in Nigeria

Diseases like white rot and botrytis are the most common diseases of garlic. You can use fungicides that contain baking powder to control such diseases. The pests that can attack your garlic farm are aphids, nematodes, and thrips. You should make use of insecticides to control aphids and thrips. Make sure you thoroughly tackle these pests and diseases of garlic. If you fail to do so, the success of your garlic farming business will be at great risk.

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  1. How to harvest your garlic

At this stage, you have done all that is for your garlic farming business. You can harvest your garlic between 4-5 months after farming or when the leaves turn yellow or brown. For the harvesting process, you will use a spading fork to harvest the garlic bulb. You should any soil attached to the garlic and allow it to dry. The drying process usually takes up to3-4weeks depending on the weather.

Once the skin of your garlic is dry, you can then store in a well-ventilated container in a cool dry place. You should note that the garlic bulb might start shrinking if stored under temperatures above 200 C. It can also start sprouting if you store at about 50 C. This means that you really need to be careful with the storage of your garlic.

The Garlic Exporting Business

You can increase the profitability of your garlic farming business to the next by getting involved in the export business. you can export garlic to countries like Cotonou, USA, Indonesia, France, Germany that are the major consumers of garlic worldwide. All that is needed from is to get properly registered with agencies that control export in Nigeria. You will also have to meet the standard requirement of the countries you want to export.

The local garlic market has the capacity to make you a millionaire, imagine when you play in the international market. The profit is simply unimaginable.


For your business plan on garlic farming or any other business niche in Nigeria, contact us on +2347037281050. You will get your well-detailed business plan just within 2 weeks of your order.

For your questions and contributions regarding garlic farming in Nigeria, kindly make use of the comment box provided below.


