How To Write A Business Plan Template For Oil Palm Plantation In Nigeria

How To Write A Business Plan Template For Oil Palm Plantation In Nigeria

Oil palm plantation

Oil palm plantation is the most profitable and lucrative crop plantation in the world, Nigeria inclusive. The numerous profitable produce from oil palm plantation has made it highly lucrative for farmers and agribusiness investors in Nigeria. The agricultural sector in Nigeria is currently experiencing positive turn around.

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There is no better time than now to start oil palm plantation business in Nigeria. The constant demand for palm oil, palm kernel oil, palm fronds, palm kernel, and many other products from oil palm plantation has made this farming business a goldmine. If you want to venture into oil palm plantation business in Nigeria, is rest assured that you will make mouth watering profits.

The objective of this article is to help you develop a wonderful business plan template for starting your oil palm plantation business in Nigeria. Starting an oil palm plantation business without a complete and well detailed business plan will cause you more harm than good.

Therefore, concise business plan is very important to starting your oil palm plantation in Nigeria. Aside from helping you in the day-to-day running of your cash crop farming business, your business plan also help you to access funds, grants, or loans from financial institutions and private individuals.

Introduction To Oil Palm Plantation Business Plan In Nigeria

You should know that there is no business venture, no matter how sophisticated or simple that can succeed without a good business plan. Your oil palm plantation business plan will help you in your decision making process as well as sourcing for funds. The oil palm plantation business plan template should contain all the needed information about your oil palm business in Nigeria.

You should be able to specify in your business plan, the needed amount of money to start your oil palm plantation business in Nigeria. In your oil palm business plan, you must decide which particular niche to focus on. Will you be specializing in the production of red oil, palm kernel oil, palm kernel production, etc? Is your business going to be centered in Nigeria only, or will be also export some of your oil palm plantation produces?

You should also have it in your business plan template, whether to be involved in the processing of palm kernel oil, red oil or will you be selling to red oil and palm kernel oil processing companies in Nigeria.

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In your oil palm plantation project proposal, you should also have the estimate oil palm yield per hectare in Nigeria, and oil palm plantation cost per hectare. There should also be the number of palm trees found in 1 hectare in Nigeria. Your oil palm plantation business plan should also contain palm oil profit per hectare in Nigeria.

With the above information, I believe that you have started to have an idea on what should be found in your oil palm plantation business plan in Nigeria.

Why You Need An Oil Palm Plantation Business Plan Template

There are three major reasons why you must have an oil palm plantation business plan. They include:

  • The dynamic nature of the market
  • To attract investors
  • To succeed in the oil palm farming business

The dynamic nature of the market

It is a fact that change is the only constant thing in life. The market for your oil palm plantation produce is constantly evolving, and you need not to be left behind. With your oil palm business plan, you can always adapt to changes in the market so that you keep providing what your customers need and desire.

To attract investors

You should know that without your well detailed business plan, it will be very difficult to convince investors to invest in your plantation business. For an investor to consider committing his/her money into your farming business in Nigeria, you must provide a concrete palm plantation business plan.

Aside from investors, you also need a palm plantation business plan for you to apply for loan from banks and private individuals. You can see that the importance of an oil palm plantation business plan can never be over emphasized.

To be successful in the oil palm farming business

Planning is a prerequisite to succeeding in any business venture in our world today. Your palm plantation business plan shows that you have done your due diligence in carrying out the needed market research before starting your plantation business.

For you to succeed in this palm plantation business, you must have lain down plan and follow it meticulously.

The Thing That Should Be In Your Oil Palm Plantation Business Plan Template

What should be in your business plan are the things in your brain. Don’t disturb yourself about beautification of the business plan. In order to have a well detailed business plan, it must contain all the ideas that you have in your brain. Below are some of the important things that are required to be in your business plan.

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  1. The name of your business

This will bear the name that you decide to give your business in Nigeria.

  1. Executive summary

This will contain your purpose for starting the oil palm plantation business. The objective of your oil palm plantation project proposal should be stated here. You should ask yourself, what are the things you desire to be in your business plan? You have to state it under the executive summary off your palm plantation business plan.

  1. Your palm plantation business description

This is where you explain everything about your oil palm plantation in Nigeria. You will state the profitability of the palm plantation business, the opportunities in the palm tree plantation business, the threats, and the size of the palm plantation industry in Nigeria.

  1. Your marketing strategy

For you to excel in this business there must be a good marketing strategy on ground. Your ability to reach out to the higher percentage of the customers available in the market is highly dependent on you having a great marketing strategy.

Marketing strategy involves those things you will do to improve the selling of your farm produce to customers. How do you intend to reach out to customers in the market? What and what are you planning to do in order to increase your sales rate in the market?

These things and the likes are what are expected to be found under your marketing strategy in your palm plantation business plan.

  1. Analyze your competitors

In this stage of your palm plantation business plan, you have to critically look at your competitors in the business. Those people who have been in the palm plantation business before you, what are the things they are doing to keep their customers happy? What are the things that you think they are not getting right? What do you think you can do in order to stay ahead of them in the market?

When you must have answered all these questions about your competitors, then you are ready to venture and succeed in palm plantation business in Nigeria.

  1. Team members

Will be venturing into this palm plantation business as a lone ranger, or would you be needing a team? Whether or not you will be working with a team will be stated here in your palm plantation business plan.

  1. Your financial projections and forecasts

It is here that you will write everything about money as it relates to your palm plantation business in Nigeria. You will also include financial projections of what you expect from your palm plantation business in the future.


For your well detailed and MBA standard business plan, contact us at Entrepreneur Nigeria on +2347037281050. Your business plan on any business niche will be ready just within 22 weeks of your order. Give us a call today, and you will be glad you did.

