How To Start Profitable Onions Farming In Nigeria: See Guidelines

How To Start Profitable Onions Farming In Nigeria: See Guidelines

Onions farming

Onions farming can make you a millionaire in Nigeria so long as you understand them and follow the guidelines that this article provides. Maybe you are one of those people that see onions farming as some business of the poor in Nigeria. Well, let me shock you with the fact that onions are among the most commonly consumed vegetables in Nigeria. This tells you that if the onion is commonly consumed in Nigeria, then there is a huge market for onions farming.

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You should know that currently, Nigeria is among the top producers of onions in the world with approximately over 2 million tonnes produced every year. It will interest you to know that onions have numerous health benefits. Onions farming is very easy to start, hence making it so profitable for you. It is no longer news to you that onion is a component of virtually every delicacy popular in Nigeria.

This article will provide you with all that you need in order to be successful in onions farming in Nigeria. Your own job is to strictly follow these guidelines provided in this article concerning onions farming business in Nigeria. Some of the topics that will be covered in this article for you include:

  • Spring onion farming in Nigeria
  • Preservation of onions in Nigeria
  • How to manage your onion farm
  • Onions farming techniques for you
  • How to plant onion at your home, and
  • Other general information regarding onions farming in Nigeria

Another reason why you should really consider investing in onions farming in Nigeria is that it can be grown anywhere in Nigeria. This I believe will douse your fears on whether onion can be cultivated anywhere in Nigeria.

Varieties Of Onions Grown In Nigeria

As an intending onion farmer in Nigeria, you must know that there are different varieties of onions. It is highly recommended that you know the particular variety that is in high demand. Before starting your onions farming in Nigeria, your knowledge of these different varieties will be to your advantage. It affords you the opportunity to know the best variety and the one that your customers desire.

Your ability to identify and make use of the best variety improves productivity in your onion farm in Nigeria. The different species of onion grown in Nigeria include:

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  • The red onion
  • Yellow onion variety, and
  • The white onion

In Nigeria, you should know that the red onion is of higher commercial value. Although many farmers cultivate the red onions in Nigeria, it is still in very short supply. This is where you can actually come in and make your own money from onions farming in Nigeria.

Based on categories, you should know that onions are categorized into two main types:

  • The short day and
  • Long day onions

The above-mentioned types have different planting periods; make sure you know the difference.

Requirements For Starting Your Onions Farming In Nigeria

Onions farming

Below are the requirements that will serve as guidelines for you in your onions farming business in Nigeria. These requirements include:

  1. Onions Farming Business Plan

It is a fact that no worthwhile venture succeeds without a good plan. Therefore, you should not just jump into onions farming because you heard it is profitable. Take your time and draw up a well-detailed business plan to guide you in the course of your business. The importance of having a good business plan cannot be overemphasized.

With your onions farming business plan, you can access government loans for agriculture in Nigeria. Your business plan also helps you to attract investors to your agribusiness in Nigeria.  It is within your onions farming business plan that you carry out your market research. Your financial projections and SWOT analysis should also be in your business plan.

  1. Farmland Selection

Once your onions farming business plan and your startup capital are ready, the next is site selection. You should choose an onions farm that is fertile with good water retention capacity. The soil pH should fall within the range of 5.5-6.5 for optimal onions production in your farm. You can as well add organic matter to the soil to improve fertility and onions yield. It is highly advised that you plow the soil at least 5 times in order to make it soft for planting your onions.

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  1. How To Cultivate Onions

You should know that there onions farming techniques on how to plant your onions for maximum production. Before the planting stage, you must have selected the best onion variety. This is very critical to have a bountiful harvest from your onions farm. The planting of onions can be done either with the seeds or the setts.

It is recommended that you grow your onions first in a nursery before transplanting them to the onions farm. The nursery planting enables you to ensure proper spacing during transplanting. The ideal spacing in an onions farm is usually between 10-15cm. you can make use of raised or flatbeds to plant your onions in your onions farm in Nigeria. Onions seedlings should be allowed in the nursery for about 45 days before transplanting.

The onion farming technique on how to plant onions is very important to the success of your onions farming business. Waterlogged soils are not good at all for your onions farming. So, it is advised that you make use of raised beds over the flat type.

The planting of onions is usually carried out between April and August. This has always made onions to be scarce around the months of March and June. You need to adjust your planting process to make your onions available during this period. It will be highly rewarding to you.

  1. How To Maintain Your Onions Farm

After planting your onions, you should not abandon them till harvest time. Onions farming requires a good amount of water, either through rainfall or by irrigation. Always make sure you weed your onions farm as at when due for maximum production. The onions farm weeding involves utmost care to avoid disturbing the roots of the growing onions. You can weed your onions farm up to 3 times within the planting season.

You should know that the best irrigation system to employ in your onions farm in Nigeria is drip irrigation. The overhead irrigation promotes the occurrence of fungal diseases, which can’t be good for your onions farming business.

There are some bacterial and fungal diseases that you much watch out for during your onions farming exercise. Some of these diseases include:

  • Botrytis
  • Rusts
  • Bacterial soft rot, and
  • Downy mildew

You can control or prevent these diseases by the use of herbicides. There are pests that also attack onions in the farm. They include the leaf miners, maggots, thrips, etc. For pest control, you can always make use of good pesticides.

  1. How To Harvest Your Onions

This is another very important onions farming technique that you must adhere to. Onions reach maturity after 4 months of planting. The best time to harvest your onions is during the dry season. You can harvest your onions when about 50% of the neck has fallen off. The formation of a shining membrane around the onions bulb is also another harvesting indicator for you. You can also harvest your onions when the foliage of the onions begins to wither.

Onion is harvested by pulling the bulbs and cutting it off from the onion plant. You must, as a matter of great importance dry the onion bulbs before storing them.

You can see from the above-listed points that onions farming in Nigeria are greatly profitable. It will also interest you to know that there are even more opportunities for new onions farmers in Nigeria.


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  1. Gbenga Lala