How To Start Ostrich Farming Business In Nigeria: Step-By-Step Guide

How To Start Ostrich Farming Business In Nigeria: Step-By-Step Guide

ostrich farming

There are lots of agricultural businesses in Nigeria that you can make huge profits from, and ostrich farming is one of them. In Nigeria, the ostrich rearing business is not very popular or common, but it is the most profitable and lucrative bird farming business around the world. Ostrich is the largest and heaviest living bird on earth and it belongs to the genus Struthio. The scientific name of the bird is called Struthio camelus.

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It will interest to know that Ostrich produces more meat than cattle and contains the least amount of fat. You will be shocked to know that Ostrich contains the lowest amount of calories and cholesterol compared to other meat sources. Lots of people are yet to maximize the profitability potential of Ostrich ostrich business in Nigeria. Nigerian farmers who are into this Ostrich farming business are making their millions both in local and foreign currency.

The purpose of this article is to “open” your eyes to the huge profit potential that abound in Ostrich farming. In fact, ostrich rearing in Nigeria is a business you really need to venture into. This is because, aside from the fact that it is very profitable, ostrich farming is also very easy to maintain.

The chicks that are between 61 to 90 days sell for about $600, while the juveniles (91 days and above) sell for $900. The same price is also not very far from what you can get in Nigeria. In fact, the price of an ostrich egg in Nigeria goes for about #15, 000.

Why Start Ostrich Farming In Nigeria?

There are lots of reasons why you really need to start considering ostrich rearing in Nigeria. One very peculiar thing about this lucrative farming business is the ease of rearing the birds. Again, the ostrich rearing is very profitable. It is far more profitable than cattle farming. To give you a tip of the iceberg, a cow produces only one calf in a year while and ostrich can lay an average of 40 to 60 eggs in one year.

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A calf takes about 2 years to reach market size while an ostrich attains market size within 14 months. A mature cow will give you about 250kg of meat whereas you can get 1,800kg of meat from a mature ostrich. So, you see that with just a female ostrich, you are certain of 40 birds in a year, unlike the cattle. Aside from the meat, you can also get feathers and leather from your ostrich bird.

It will interest you to know that the likes of Gucci, Prada, Luis Vuitton, and Hermes make use of the leather from ostrich for their products. Also, an ostrich produces about 50 square meters of leather as against the 3 square meters produced by cattle in one year. You can see that it is much easier and more profitable to start ostrich rearing in Nigeria than cattle rearing business.

In order for you to have an idea about the huge profit potential of ostrich farming in Nigeria, consider the international prices below. A breeding ostrich can sell for as high as $5,000 while the ones with feathers for fashion and décor go for as high as $3,000. For ostrich chicks that are between 30 to 60 days old, they can sell for as high as $500 in the international market.

Requirements For Starting Your Ostrich Farming In Nigeria

You don’t just wake up one morning and decide to venture into ostrich farming business. There are certain things that you must put in place in order to succeed in this business. Such things include the following:

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  • Well-detailed business plan

In order to be successful in your ostrich farming business, you must have a very good business plan. With your business plan, you will be better placed to really understand what the business entails. Just like a sailor would need a compass to guide him on the sea, so you will also need your business plan for guidance.

With your ostrich farming business plan, you can also apply for government grants and loans for agricultural businesses in Nigeria. Believe me, no investor will take you seriously if you don’t have a good business plan on your business. So, having a business plan is very essential to the success of your ostrich farming in Nigeria.

  • Your farm location

Your farm location is also very important when starting ostrich rearing in Nigeria. You should avoid raising them in residential areas as they can constitute a nuisance. As little as half a plot of land can kick start your ostrich farming in Nigeria. You should endeavor to fence the land in order to prevent the birds from moving away from the farm.

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The ideal farm location should be a grassland or a semi-arid location. You can raise a family of two birds on the half plot of land and then grow the business from there.

  • Buying your birds

Usually, the male to female ratio is about 1:4, but you can go for 1:3 depending on your financial capacity. You need to know that the breeders are very expensive and one breeder can cost up to #300, 000. It is very important that you purchase the healthy and viable breeders to start your ostrich farm.

If you want baby ostriches for sale in Nigeria, you can check with farms like Jovena farms. When considering the baby ostriches for sale in Nigeria, you should be careful to buy a quality breed.

  • Ostrich feeding

Generally, ostrich feed on leaves, fruits, grains, cassava, cocoyam, potatoes, yam, and small animals like rats and other rodents. Jovena farms also have very good feed-mix that can boost or enhance the fast growth of your ostrich. You need to ensure that there is always enough water supplies to the farm because ostrich requires a lot of water.

They can always be fed with poultry feeds to improve their growth and development.

  • Disease prevention and control

Another very good thing about ostrich is that they have very strong body immunity more than any other living bird. You don’t have to give them any steroids, hormones, chemicals, or vaccines. Al you have to do is provide a comfortable and safe environment for the birds to grow.

Before starting your ostrich rearing in Nigeria, it is advisable that you seek advice from experts like Jovena farms. It will help you get the needed knowledge and experience to succeed in the business. It will always be easier progressing from poultry farming to ostrich farming in Nigeria. The major thing you need is the determination to succeed in this business.


For your well-detailed business plan on ostrich farming in Nigeria or any other business niche, contact us on +2347037281050. Your business plan will be ready within 2 weeks of your order.

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