How To Start Quail Farming Business In Nigeria: Step By Step Guidelines

How To Start Quail Farming Business In Nigeria: Step By Step Guidelines

Quail farming business in Nigeria has been sending farmers to the bank with smiles on their face at all times. Just like other poultry birds like chicken, turkey, duck, and so on, quail farming is very profitable and lucrative. Quail farming business is arguably the most profitable agribusiness venture in Nigeria at the moment.

Quail farming business

Quail farming business is not common in Nigeria, hence the reason why very few people are venturing into this very lucrative poultry business. The nutritional and health values of both the meat and egg of quail birds are without equal.

Read: How to start layers poultry farming in Nigeria

With proper guidelines and farm practice, a quail can lay an egg daily which are sold at an average price of N20. These eggs are sold quickly due to the high demand for them.

Why Quail Farming Business?

You might be wondering why I am writing this article on starting quail farming business and why you should invest your money in this agribusiness. There are lots of positive reasons why you consider starting quail farming business in Nigeria. The advantages of quail farming in Nigeria are listed and explained below:

  • The high profitability of quail farming in Nigeria

At the moment, a kilo of chicken goes for about N1200 while a quail that weighs less than a kilogram at maturity sells for N1500. A quail bird has the capacity to lay at least an egg daily and these quail eggs cost between N30 – N40 each. Assuming you have as little as 25 quail birds in your poultry farm, after thirty days, you will be making between N22, 500 – N30, 000 every month.

  • Cheap to start

This is another reason why entrepreneurs and agribusiness investors should venture into this quail farming in Nigeria. You can start quail farming anywhere in Nigeria with as little as N20, 000. The wonderful thing about this special poultry bird aside the low startup capital is that it also has very high returns on investment.

  • Easy management

Unlike broilers, layers, day old chicks, ducks, and other poultry birds, quails are so easy to rear. As a matter of fact, you can raise a good number of quail birds in your farm in a very little space. Aside from raising your quail birds in a little space, there is also the benefit of less labor. This is because; quail farming does not require too much labor.

  • Low feed consumption rate

For quails, they require less amount of food when compared to other poultry birds in Nigeria. A mature chicken consumes about 150 grams of feed daily while an adult quail consumes an average of 30 grams of food per day. You can see the difference right? This will also help to increase the profitability of quail farming in Nigeria.

  • Quails hardly need medication

Quail farmers in Nigeria will attest to the fact that these wonder birds are rarely sick. Unlike other poultry birds, these quails hardly require medicines for their well being. This means that these quail birds can live comfortably without the administration of drugs. If you try this with other poultry birds, you are in for a big loss.

  • The high demand of quail products

At the moment, there is increasing demand of quail products (meat and egg) in Nigerian market. Nutritionally, quail products are of higher value than their chicken counterparts.  A quail bird that weighs less than 1 kg attracts a better price than 1 kilo of chicken meat in the market. In fact, the benefits of quail farming business in Nigeria are uncountable.

Read: How to increase the weight of a pig

How To Start Quail Farming Business In Nigeria

Quail farming for beginners can really be challenging when you don’t have all the needed information and guidance to execute the business very well. Guiding you on how to successfully start a quail farming business in Nigeria is the theme of this article. The step by step procedures that will help you start your quail farming business in Nigeria are listed below.

  1. Have a good business plan

Very business no matter how small requires a quality business plan in order to be successfully executed. Your quail farming business plan will direct you on the things that are needed to be done and how best to do them.

Without a quality business plan on your quail farming business, you are simply operating your business without direction and purpose.

  1. Choose a very good location

Quail farming business can be done anywhere within Nigeria. You just have to make sure that the location you selected is calm, quiet, and noise free. This kind of environment will really go a long way in improving the production rate of the quail birds.

If you don’t have a separate land for quail farming business, you can make use of your backyard for your small quail farming business. You just make sure that all the needed materials and food for your quail bird farming are available.

  1. Buy the cages and other equipment

Once you have settled the issue of location for your quail bird farming in Nigeria, the next point of call is to purchase the cages and equipment needed. There are various sizes and designs of quail cages in the market; you just make your choice.

Quail farming business

The thing that you must always put into consideration is the comfort of the quail birds. There are quail farmers who raise their birds on cemented floor. For commercial quail farming in Nigeria, it is advisable to use cages due to the numerous advantages. As a beginner in quail farming business, you should also buy feeders and drinkers.

  1. Buy you day old chicks

There are people asking where to get quail birds for sale in Nigeria, if you are one of them? There are quail breeders around in the country that can supply you with the needed day old chicks to start your quail farming business in Nigeria.

It is advisable that you check the quail farm of the person you are buying the day old chicks from to avoid being defrauded. The price of quail chicks ranges between N800 – N1000 depending on your location in Nigeria.

  1. Buy your quail feed

Quail farming business

Just like the other poultry birds, quail birds also have their own feed. Because quail farming business in Nigeria is growing rapidly, some commercial chicken feed manufacturers are currently producing special quail feeds.

Aside from these special quail feeds, you can also feed your quail birds with chick starter for the quail chicks when they are few days old. You can s well feed your quails with regular chicken feed. All that you need to note is that quail birds need more protein in their feed than other poultry birds.

Aside from providing feeds with balanced nutrients, you must make available to your quail birds clean and fresh water at all times.

  1. Quail medication

This is one area that you will save money when it comes to quail farming in Nigeria. I said this because; quails are hardly affected by diseases. You just make sure you take proper and good care of them by providing nutritious quail feeds, fresh and clean water, quality housing and they will live happily.

You should have a means of contacting your veterinary doctor just in case of any disease outbreak which is possible but very unlikely in quail farming business.

  1. Good marketing strategy

That quails farming business is very profitable and lucrative should not give you the impression that a good marketing strategy is not needed. No matter how nutritious and of high quality that quail precuts are, if you don’t market them you can’t make any money.

With the rate quail farming business is booming in Nigeria, there is no doubt of its potential to overtake other poultry birds in terms of market acceptability. Visit local markets, towns, and friends telling them about your quail farming business.

You can also make extra cash from the sale of quail manure to crop farmers in Nigeria.


You have learnt how you can set up your own quail farming business in Nigeria. Before you venture into this very lucrative poultry business venture in Nigeria, you need a detailed business plan. At entrepreneur Nigeria, you also provide business plan writing services that can attract investors to your business. We have capable team of professionals that are ready to give you the best business plan on any business niche you are venturing into.

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