Wheat Farming In Nigeria: How To Start And Succeed

Wheat Farming In Nigeria: How To Start And Succeed

Wheat faring

Wheat farming is undoubtedly one of the most profitable agribusiness investment all over the world and Nigeria is not excluded. With wheat farming, you can turn your financial condition around for the better. What you simply need is the right information to guide you while starting your wheat farming business. When you consider the diversification project of the Nigerian government, investing in agriculture should interest you.

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Wheat farming is a very profitable niche in the agricultural sector for you to consider. There is no need for you to sit around and wait for the manner to fall from heaven. You should get up and utilize this booming opportunity in wheat farming in Nigeria. The probability that you will make a fortune from wheat farming in Nigeria is very close to 100%. The only thing that can prevent you from earning in millions from wheat farming in is your negligence and attitude.

The objective of this article is to provide you with the necessary information to succeed in wheat farming business. All you need to do is to diligently follow these guidelines that are listed for you in this article. In this article, you will be provided with information regarding the following:

  • Wheat production in Nigeria
  • The profitability of the wheat farming business
  • How to start wheat farming in Nigeria
  • Wheat seed in Nigeria
  • The process of wheat farming business in Nigeria
  • Wheat research in Nigeria
  • Nigerian wheat meal
  • Wheat production problems in Nigeria

Like I said earlier, all that you need to succeed in wheat farming business is well outlined here. Just relax and keep reading for you will be glad you did.

The Profitability Of Wheat Farming Business In Nigeria

If you still doubt the profit potential of the wheat farming business, let’s take a little walk, shall we?  I will assume that you consume either one or both bread and noodles in Nigeria. If my assumption is correct, which I know it is; then you are very much dependent on wheat. You can imagine the millions of Nigerians like you. What does this tell you about the profitability of wheat farming business in Nigeria?

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I know the picture is becoming clearer to you at the moment. Currently, the milling industry in Nigeria needs about 4 million tonnes of wheat to function at full capacity. It will surprise you to know that farmers currently in the wheat farming business produce only 300 000 tonnes. This tells you that new wheat farmers in Nigeria will be making good money.

Aside from local consumption of wheat and wheat meal in Nigeria, you can also export your wheat. There are lots of products from wheat that makes wheat production in Nigeria very profitable for you. It will definitely interest you to know that products like spaghetti, cookies, and wheat flour comes from wheat. This only reiterates the ignored fortune you are missing in the wheat farming business in Nigeria.

Guidelines On How You Can Start Wheat Farming Business In Nigeria

Below are the important tips to help you succeed in your wheat production business in Nigeria.

  1. Get a good wheat farming business plan

Your business plan is the number one criteria for succeeding in your wheat farming business in Nigeria. Without your business plan, you are simply operating your business blind. If you cannot generate the desired wheat farming business plan, you can contact us to get it done for you. You can call the number available at the end of this article.

Your wheat farming business plan can also help you access business loans either from the government or private individuals. So, now you see why you really need to have a well-detailed wheat farming business plan.

  1. How to choose farmland for your wheat farming business

You don’t just cultivate wheat on any land you see. There are certain soil requirements that must be considered. The land you have selected should be in a location with an average annual rainfall of between 500mm-1200mm. you are advised to make use of irrigation during a time of minimal rainfall. The soil on which you will carry out your wheat farming should be well drained with low acidity and salinity levels. Wheat farming in Nigeria is mostly carried out in the Northern part of the country.  You should also know that states like Bauchi, Adamawa, Sokoto, Kano, Kaduna, etc are well known for wheat production.

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  1. Select the best variety for your wheat farming

This is also a very important factor to consider before starting your wheat production business in Nigeria. The particular variety to be selected is always dependent on your purpose of starting the business. You really need to carry out your own research on the varieties of wheat and their requirements. It will help you to get the maximum wheat yield per hectare in Nigeria.

If you want to supply the biscuit and cookies industry, then the white and soft wheat variety is the best. Should you be interested in the production of spaghetti and noodles, the durum wheat variety is the best choice. At the moment, the available varieties in the country include the Atilla Gan Atilla varieties, the Mexican origin, Seri M82, the Cettia, and the Linfen. With these varieties, you can get up to 4.5 tonnes of wheat yield per hectare.

  1. Planting your wheat

After clearing your farmland for wheat cultivation, the next step is to plant your wheat on the farm. It is recommended that you plant the wheat around November or December. The planting of your wheat during this harmattan season helps suppress the growth of weeds. You can dig trenches for the planting of the wheat using a shovel or the wheat drill. The wheat seeds can also be planted by the broadcasting method.

You should know that the drilling method is the best as it improves wheat yield and suppresses the growth of weeds. It is advised that you water the wheat in order to promote growth. You can also apply fertilizer, especially the NPK type. It is recommended that you apply the fertilizer in two batches. You should apply the first batch in the ratio of 60:50:50while the second application should be 60:0:0. The second application comes about 6 weeks after you applied the first batch.

You should properly care for your wheat production business by looking for ways to control pest infestation. The major pest of wheat is the stem borer which you can control by treating the seeds with Apron Star before planting. You should apply the Apron Star or Apron Plus at 2-3kg of wheat per sachet.

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  1. Harvesting and storing your wheat

Your wheat matures within 3-4 months after planting. To be sure that the wheat is mature for harvest, rub the head between your fingers and chew the wheat grain. If the grain cracks in your mouth and then becomes soft, it is ready for harvest. You can manually harvest your wheat by cutting the stalks and winnowing it to remove the chaff. Make sure the wheat is stored in a clean and well-ventilated environment. During storage, you need to be careful of rat infestation.

You have seen that the profitability of wheat farming business in Nigeria is not a fluke. Why not prepare for the next farming season and start enjoying the returns in wheat farming in Nigeria.


You can contact us at Entrepreneur Nigeria on +2347037281050 for your business plan on Wheat farming or any other business niche in Nigeria. We provide your business plan within 2 weeks of your order. Make that call today and be glad you did.

For questions and contributions on wheat farming business in Nigeria, you should kindly make use of the comment box below. THANKS





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