Problems of Nigeria: Crowdfacture Is Proposing Solutions With Manufacturing

Problems of Nigeria

Before we begin with the list of problems in Nigeria, it is important to understand that some of the social problems today “can be solved by fixing another problem” (Knowing the problem leading to other problems is very important at this point. One of those problems is Job creation).

If we look at the bigger economies in the world where it may seem to look as if they have lesser social problems, one thing is common amongst them; they all have powerful economic strength even before the military, which in turn drives their political influence on other economies.

Sadly, the economic strength of Nigeria is pretty epileptic and this has contributed to high Social problems in the country.

“A hungry man is an angry man” they say and I say, “a poor and hungry nation is an angry nation”.

When you take a walk into the streets of major cities in Nigeria like Lagos, you can’t help but notice that alm everyone is angry by virtue of how they communicate with people.

‘There’s serious hunger in the land and the trajectory is not looking good”.

The Bloomberg job report as at March 2021 shows that over 33% of Nigerians are unemployed and this is pretty disastrous for a country with a population that is growing at 2.6% per annum (2019 update). Sadly, more than half of the labor force are unemployed or underemployed.

Again, let’s quickly take a look at some developed countries like the United states, China, Germany, Russia and the rest. Did you know that their strong economies are backed by local production and manufacturing? Have you also noticed that the top companies with the largest employment in numbers are coming from these countries?

So the real question is, where is Africa on the economic map?

Where is Nigeria; the largest African economy on the global economic map?

The answers to these questions are quite saddening especially knowing that Nigeria and Africa at large is blessed with major natural resources used across the world.

Our lands are very fertile for Agriculture; yet, the continent is poor and heavily dependent, and indebted to the western economies. 

This is a wake-up and thought-provoking call for all concerned individuals and corporate bodies to come together in a single platform to rebuild African’s economy through harnessing local production and manufacturing.

Introducing Crowdfacture!


crowdfacture logo

Crowdfacture is a community-driven production, manufacturing, and distribution company by the people for the people to improve job creation and wealth creation in Africa.

The model of Crowdfacture democratizes investing in manufacturing in every social class and allows everyone to become a participant and co-owner of a manufacturing project and enjoy profit sharing for life.

The Crowdfacture App allows you to invest, monitor the factory and earn profits from the manufacturing project you invested into.

Asides from the fact that you get to make money as a manufacturer, you will also be part of the people leading an economic movement that will help create jobs and take jobless youths away from the streets.c

It is important to also note that; high crime rate in the streets will be on the increase if jobs are not made available to the jobless out there, who engage in crimes in a quest for their own survival.

See investing into Crowdfacture as a way of making money and helping fix Nigeria’s unemployment problem

To get started, visit and create an account, fund your account and invest in projects available for funding.

Funds are collected and used to finance a production line for a 30% equity stake for life,

  • dividends will be paid to the investor’s account on a quarterly basis as long as the production line is up and running.

Kindly visit the Crowdfacture FAQ page to learn more.

The Economic problems in Africa can be fixed if we begin to collaborate more and compete less. Group economies will lead us to a better future and this is why Crowdfacture is birthed. 

I believe Nigeria will be great again, it is time to work towards that and the problems of Nigeria both social and political get to it mnimal stage.

Download the Crowdfacture app and join the legion of investors powering this.

