Our Little Journey To Building Entrepreneur Platform & SumoTrust As We Add Motute To the Queue

Wow, just like that, it’s already another 365 days and my 28th birthday! (2020)

Ah, GT, you don old ooooo…

Happy birthday to me.

My life has been nothing but testimony from all angles and I want to use this medium to appreciate the amazing grace of God in my life.

3 years ago (early 2017), when I was still much of a serious blogger, I was involved in a heated argument on Facebook where people that knew SEO came to brag about their knowledge and argue on some of the best working SEO practices.

It was during this argument that I got into a BLOGGING BET CHALLENGE.

The concept was that everyone in that argument should start a new blog and rank it in 6 months as a way to prove who the SEO GURU was among us.

Well, of course, I jumped into the challenge and decided to pick a niche in Business and registered the domain name: www.entrepreneur.ng (Entrepreneur Nigeria), which have been rebranded to Entrepreneur Platform.

6 months down the line, my blog started ranking so high in some business keywords and was being rated as one of the Top Business Blogs In Nigeria.

As at that period, there were lots of inquiries and requests from our readers on;

  • How to access capital for their businesses.
  • How and where to grow their money.
  • How to improve their financial lives, etc.

On this request, we carried out a survey on over 275000 people using Google form and over 66% turned out to need services of savings, investment, and better careers.

I was hungry and passionate to help build the future entrepreneurs even with almost no resources available, so we decided to build SumoBank (Now SumoTrust) which went live on June 14th, 2019 (2nd anniversary of Entrepreneur Platform as of then).

Sumotrust savings and investment platform in nigeria

There were lots of hurdles and bottlenecks before this time that we had to conquer to even get SumoTrust to a live stage, no need to go into the details here, that will be a story for another day.

As at when we launched SumoTrust, we had our core goals on SAVE, INVEST and LEARN.

Today, SumoTrust is +1 and Entorm +3 and I’m happy to see our baby startup with zero funding and very little resources process over 135 million Naira in deposit and withdrawal volume with over 12,000 customers. 

It still feels like a dream to me; because we have not spent up to 1 million Naira in marketing. Everything has been pure organic growth and community support by customers.

We understand that our customers need to become better and improve their sources of income to become better savers.

On this approach, education and skill acquisition is one of the underlying foundations to help our customers grow and that is where our LEARN goal comes in.

Today, I’m happy to announce Mobile Institute (Motute) to you.

motute homepage

Motute is an Edtech marketplace connecting quality instructors to students all around the world on the go. With motute, you can learn anything at your own comfort and pace.

For Instructors and creators, Motute will help you generate passive income for your work. What knowledge or skill do you have that people can learn from you? Come to Motute, it will become a money-making machine for you.

We also understand that learning a skill to start a business is hard, so, we have added an automated 4-7% discount access to any course on Motute when you have above 50,000 Naira in your SumoTrust account and pay for courses with your SumoTrust account.

This, for now, is our own little way to help African Entrepreneurs and people grow into financial freedom.

For anyone who is a high earner today, is of high knowledge or skill and that is why we built Mobile Institute.

Use it, take advantage of it, it was built to serve you.

In all of this progress, I must appreciate everyone in my team: Ossi Samuel, Idoko Nicholas, Maureen John, Okaria Franklin, Hugbo Clement, Odi Valentine, Ellem Kuti, etc. These people are the pillars of our company with their experience and passion, I owe them my lifetime loyalty and support. When I say they’re the best, they are indeed the best.

We will focus on improving the services we provide and adding more features that will make life easy for you.

Thank you for the immense support, we will keep doing our best.


Once again, happy birthday to me….

GT Igwe Chrisent.


