3 Things You Should Never Say To Your Boss

Things You Should Never Say To Your Boss

Well, everyone makes the mistake of spilling out the wrong words to the right person or the right word to the wrong person. but whichever way it is, there are some words/statement you should not use to your boss or employer. When it comes to issues regarding the office or place of work, so many things can lead to your downfall or your promotions. there are certain things you should never say reasons being that;

People are different and as such, one needs to learn the different ways of treating people especially when it comes to your place of work. One of the things that can ruin your reputation before your boss is the way to talk to him/her. In this post, I will be telling you three things you should never say to your boss/employer no matter how close or the relationship you have with him or her.

It can happen to anyone: you slip and forget who you are talking to, and suddenly you’ve shared way too much information with the boss. Or the boss overhears you saying something that’s NSFW (not safe for work.)

So mind the choice and use of the words you say in your work place.

things you should never say


Let’s say you spend 40 hours a week with your co-workers for those working 8 hours per day in 5 days of a week, it’s easy to become a little too familiar and blurt out things that cross the line. It’s particularly dangerous when you are talking to your boss. Do you know why? Now let’s say you are the boss and the man/lady you employed is using every type of words with you, how will you feel or react toward that particular person? Well, that is a rhetorical question for you to answer.

You may think it’s not a big deal. After all, they’re just words. However, what you say to your boss says a lot about you. It reveals pieces of your overall character, your attitude about your job, and your judgment.

When you spill any type of word without thinking first, you have the potential to do more harm to your career than you first realize, and it can be difficult to make up that lost ground with your employer. Don’t get me wrong, work is life and bosses should be human, it’s just that you do not need to share it all.

Here are a few things you should never say to the boss.

There is a big difference between your personal values and business values. Personal is personal and business is business. This is not intimate, but you are making a business decision personal, in a “me vs. the world” way. When you say this phrase, you may see yourself as protecting the company’s best interest. However, you can go too far in playing the devil’s advocate.

This phrase suggests rigidity and a lack of imagination. You also shut down communication when you throw out this gem in conversation with your boss. If you don’t like the idea, you can use a word like “I guess this idea will not be the best” hence state your reasons to back it up. This way, your boss will see you as a critical thinker in business and will love to involve you in the company serious business issues. “Now that’s your promotion coming”.

You might think that everyone says the wrong thing from time to time, but once those words leave your mouth there is no going back.

You can check out this Huffington post about what you should say to your boss.

Learning to choose your words carefully is an art. Before you overshare or overstep your bounds, stop and think, “Is this a wise thing to be saying?” “Am I going to regret saying this to my employer?” Make sure your words don’t subtract from the great person that you are. So be guided, and watch out for things you should never say

You have to try as much as you can to avoid throwing the blame to your co-worker knowing fully well That; that person belongs to your team. This one packs a punch, especially if you share something personal about Steve at the same time, like “he seems a bit unstable.” It smacks of running away from responsibility.

There may be times when your survival instincts kick in and you want to protect yourself and your job. While no one wants to get blamed for something they didn’t do, letting someone else take the fall isn’t right either. “Steve (or whoever your colleague is) dropped the ball” sounds selfish and immature, and doesn’t help you advance your career. It’s a sign of maturity to share the blame.

I can remember when I was a little kid, I would always be the first to stop eating so that I will not be the one to wash the dirty dish after eating, which if not washed later, I will always say am not the last person to leave the food.


Let me ask you these questions again, Have you been with somebody you did not trust before? Have you heard something from someone and felt strange about that person before? As a man how do you feel when a lady you when out for a date with says “I don’t know how to cook”? or as a Woman, How do you feel when a man you went out for a date with says “I will like to have my wife as a housewife”? You feel awkward about that person right?

Saying phrases like this throws open the doors on your personal life and may lead the boss to conclude several things that may or may not be true. It may reveal that you have poor judgment and therefore cannot be trusted. Or possibly that you have a lack of self-control. Be sure to maintain some boundaries between your work and personal life. Telling your boss all the nitty-gritty details invites judgment on your character and your ability to do your job.

If you have other things you think one should never say to his/her boss, Please do comment and let’s share the idea.

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