As a self-employed person in Nigeria, there is a National Health Insurance program that is packaged for you. According to this program, it is a non-profit health insurance program that covers all groups of individuals with common economic activities run by the members.
What this means is that if you are into an association in your specialty or line of business. Your group can register the participants into the Urban Self-Employed Social Health Insurance Program. For example, Association for Barbing Saloon Owners, or Motor Cycle Riders’ Association, and Market Women Association etc. Members of these groups are free to join this health insurance program as the case may be.
The participants of this health insurance program can pick their individual health care packages based on their specific needs. Every month, they are a demands to make a flat contribution fee by the self-employed individuals who have decided to enroll into this health insurance program.
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The contribution rate is determined by the kind of plan chosen by the individual. A potential participant must be a belong to an existing Association already. This Association, together with all other Associations, unite together to form an Employer Group. Membership must be up to at least 500 participants for each of the User Group to ensure sufficient pooling of resources.
Each contributor will be given an identity card for easy identification. This will enable he/she will obtain free healthcare from the chosen Health Insurance Program. This type of health insurance program does not extend to any dependent of the enrolled person. This means that it is made for only one individual.
Health Insurance program for suburbs/rural areas
There is a different health insurance program for those living in the rural areas. It is related to the metropolitan self-employed social health insurance program. But in this case, it is called the Rural Community Social Health Insurance Program. This is defined as a non-profit health insurance program for a unified group of households or persons which is run by its members. Their Membership consists of individuals within the community. This follows a similar process as those in the urban areas. They are also required to pay a flat monthly contribution.
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This will require the potential persons to become a participant of the association depending on their individual lines of trade. In which they can register through the associations. The registered persons will be making a flat monthly contribution paid in cash monthly or by installment payment. Every participant will be given an identity card with which he/she will obtain health care from the chosen Health insurance program after a specified waiting period.
The insurance company will take care of your medical bills; there will be quick response ambulance to attend to the individuals in case of emergencies and other benefits that come with the National Health Insurance program. Most of these benefits are listed on the NHIS website.
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The most recent way to register as a self-employed person or a voluntary contributor is a lot easier as you can now register online as a Voluntary Contributor and pay online. You can also register for an online account that will allow you to view your details and to manage your account.
You will be required to purchase a voucher from any of the participating Health Maintenance Organizations. Details on these can be found on the NHIS website. You can select your healthcare facility online, select your State and Local Government Area (LGA). A drop-down box for HealthCare Facilities (HCF’s) will display registered HCF’s in your LGA. You would have a list of healthcare facilities in your local government to choose from. NHIS is also introducing an SMS communication system. In future Voluntary Contributors will receive an SMS when any details are changed on their account.