How To Start A Business While Working Full Time In Nigeria

How To Start A Business While Working Full Time In Nigeria

Sometimes you may find yourself in this state where you are so uncertain of the success of a business and you cannot afford to quit your source of monthly earning as you have a couple of bills to pay. You are working full time and there is no space.

If you find yourself in this state, quitting your job may be the most difficult move of your life. However, the good news is that you may not necessarily need to quit your job to start a business if you really are uncertain of the prospect to succeed. You can be working full time

I have to point out here that some of the world’s top companies started as side projects that were fostered by their owners during evenings and weekends. So, there’s no reason why you can’t serve two masters; your employer and you.

Related: Roadmap on how to quit your job and start a business in Nigeria

There are smart ways you can go about starting your own business while staying gainfully employed at the same time. All you need to know are just these smart moves. However, I must warn you to gird your loin properly as this journey will never be easy.

If you are still convinced in this direction; that you can start a business and still be working full time till this point of this article, then you have to read till the end as I will be exposing the viable tips you need to put in place to become a fulltime employed businessman.

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Tips for Starting a Business While Working Full Time In Nigeria

working full time

  1. Plan your business

If you must be working full time and start a business, you have to figure out the most important tasks involved in the startup process as well as those that will take the longest time to accomplish, such as securing insurance, completing the necessary registration, obtaining licenses, and applying for funding. You can then prioritize these tasks to avoid facing last-minute delays.

Do draw up a business plan to detail vital issues bordering on: mission and objectives of the business, the products or services to be offered, the required startup and operation costs, a thorough analysis of the market and the competition, marketing strategies and unique selling points, projected income and expenditure, and exit strategy. Also, do well to break down your objectives into achievable goals.

  1. Get into a routine

Working full time and starting a business implies working two jobs. You definitely will run short of time if not well managed. So, you need to plan your time well to make the most out of it. You can begin by setting the exact time you will be starting work every evening and the time you will be closing down for the night.

Endeavor to be disciplined with your schedule and stick to it religiously.

After creating a schedule, you must stick with it—and that’s even more important than creating the schedule in the first place. You must avoid excuses that allow you to procrastinate, and avoid working beyond your fixed finish time.

  1. Maximize breaks and holidays

Even if you work every evening, devoting more time during breaks and holidays can help push your business further down the path to success.If you want to get your business in good shape, you will need to devote as much time as possible.

You may not find it easy devoting holidays to work, but hopefully, when your company takes off and starts growing, you will see the benefits of the decision.In addition, by using your holidays for work rather than pleasure, you could end up making financial savings to go towards your start-up.

This will help you in working full time and starting a business at the same time

  1. Get help when necessary

When you want to be working full time and at the same time have a business you run, you should hire an assistant if your side business requires so much work and is taking more time than you allocate.

The assistant will take over the business on your behalf while you focus more on your job. You should consider taking a young graduate on a placement or work experience stint. This is because the cost of hiring an established employee as a starter may just be too much for you.

  1. Choose a good location

For a side business, the criterion for choosing a location is a bit different. Unlike the normal full business where you target customers, in locating side business you should consider a location that can help you shuttle between work and business easily.

  1. Start an Online Business

As a side business that you can start while working fulltime, I guarantee that online business is the best bet. This is because internet businesses are cheaper to start and requires fewer logistics and inventory while offering flexibility in terms of running cost.

This does not mean you cannot start a physical business also. Of course, you can! But you have to bear one thing in mind; that it will take you more in terms of funds and time.

Again! Do get the fact that starting a business while keeping a fulltime job is difficult but is a venture worth getting into. Once you succeed you will forever be happy with yourself. Do give it a try


