How Well Have You Planned Your Future?

How Well Have You Planned Your Future?

Once upon a time; I had a boss, his name is Mr. Michael. He is a typical definition of a man with “vision and mission” (that is what I prefer to call him).

…and if you’re patient to read this to the end, I will share the reason to the name.

He is the CEO of Rainbow Concept; at least to the best of my knowledge, he does well in web designs, printing, and graphics. You know how it is, it’s a seasonal job that comes and goes and as far as I can tell, the luxurious life his children live isn’t to be compared with the money inflow.

….hold on I will explain;

He has 4 kids. The first daughter schools at Covenant University and the other three go to one of the most expensive Primary schools in the state. I mean how does he cope with all these expenditures (house rent, office rent, salaries and other miscellaneous) considering the current inflation.

For so long I thought about this; thought about it sooo hard that I decided to man up and ask how he does that. On that fateful Friday morning, I asked him; Boss, how much is the current school fees at Covenant University a friend of mine wants to know? When he told me, my mouth dropped and he smiled.

I could swear he could read through my mind. It was as if he knew the next question but I couldn’t ask so he asked me to sit. He brought out a book from his drawer and showed me a saving plan he activated for his children;

planned your future

…Nnenna, I didn’t have the best of anything during my time. So I swore to give my kids the best at any cost.

I have seen kids turn into something they aren’t proud of because of JAMB and strike frustration. I’ve seen graduates stay home because one of the job specifications is age-dependent. How can a firm want a graduate of 23-25years when at 23 you’re either writing JAMB for the 3rd time or you’re sitting home due to strike.

We might have a bad education system but I can’t allow that affect my kids so the best I can do is help plan their future.

I want the best for my kids…so I drew a plan;

  • I do not have it all but I decided to save from what I have. I save N10000 daily automatically (put the link of autosave here) on a digital savings platform and I also created a mission account for my kids.

    …that is why it’s easier for me to pay their school fees as soon as they resume for the term. 


  • Because I  prefer my kids to attend Private University to attain their Bsc and Federal university for their masters I Fix some funds so I can earn 15% of the amount saved on withdrawal.

    This way, I will promise my kids to either choose traveling abroad for their masters or attending a Federal university. What they do now, is struggling to excel in their studies while I fulfill my promise. Truth is, either way, I’m not bordered. I wouldn’t want to fail as a parent Nnenna. So I’m trying soo hard to do my part. 


This got me thinking all day…and at that moment I made a hard decision to save no matter the little I earn.

“Here again I ask; How Well Have You Planned your Future? 

There is actually no harm in starting up small and earning huge. Don’t forget 90% of rich men today started somewhere; either through saving or investing.

…and if you’re thinking on how to get started, @Sumotrust savings platform (a digital savings platform which enables you to save and invest effortlessly) has the best features for just that.

Go here ===> to create a free account and read more here ===> to guide on account type.

If you fail to plan, you will plan to fail. Have you planned your future or are you waiting to be caught in the craze of survival? Your choice today will make all the difference

